SyncroVISION(tm) sessions are available in duration of
15min - 1.5h (USD $25 - $125), see this page for more information.
If you are not sure how much time might take to go over your situation and questions, feel free to contact me and also I recommend packages as they allow some more flexibility of time with keeping special rates.
$45 for first-time clients for the 1st session of 30min
$25 for first-time clients for the 1st 15-minute session (1-2 brief questions)
Rates for all sessions >> (packages options / VIP club rates are available)
For any questions before the booking, please fill out this FORM. I usually reply within 2-3 days, unless on vacation or a special project.
15min - 1.5h (USD $25 - $125), see this page for more information.
If you are not sure how much time might take to go over your situation and questions, feel free to contact me and also I recommend packages as they allow some more flexibility of time with keeping special rates.
$45 for first-time clients for the 1st session of 30min
$25 for first-time clients for the 1st 15-minute session (1-2 brief questions)
Rates for all sessions >> (packages options / VIP club rates are available)
For any questions before the booking, please fill out this FORM. I usually reply within 2-3 days, unless on vacation or a special project.
To BOOK a SyncroVISION(tm) SESSION with Tatiana, please SELECT the type of session or reading below and fill out Booking Form. All consultations require payment prior to the session.
Prices are in USD (might be subject to change).
Prices are in USD (might be subject to change).
Waiting time for the consultation might be from 1 to 6 weeks, depending on the type of consultation, schedule and availability.
When checking out, adjust the amount of the payment if you are ordering more than 1 session - for example, Vectors of Realization reading for 2 or more people.
(NB: VofR session and is a one-time reading, meaning it can be given once in a lifetime only; some other readings like "Sexuality Portrait", "Unique Talent" and a few other sessions can be done once in a particular period of time (inquire for details)).
(NB: VofR session and is a one-time reading, meaning it can be given once in a lifetime only; some other readings like "Sexuality Portrait", "Unique Talent" and a few other sessions can be done once in a particular period of time (inquire for details)).
Session is given in Zoom
Answers to 1-5 questions (amount depends on the types of readings and how much time is needed) |
Session is given in Zoom
Session with defining the Vektors (one-time reading)
$35 // with integration / coaching $55 |
(Skype or in Writing / Audio record).
Up to 3-5 options (3 discs for each option). The reading can also be done for 1 situation as a 7-disc syncronization - mandala. For more options within the same situation (question), adjust the amount adding $5 for any extra option. Maximum 10 is allowed per question. For readings like job search, travelling, choosing a school for yourself or a child, place of living etc. it is recommended to book a 30-minute or longer consultation, especially if you are a first-time client. |
Depending on the case the reading can be with 3 or 7 discs (the amount of discs does is decided by the reader whatever best suits the question).
3-disc readings are $15 7-disc advice is $35 (mandala) For in-depth analysis of the situation it is best to book a 30+ minute reading. All situations must be relevant to the person who is asking or can be regarding their child under 12 y.o. |
Session is provided in writing.
Reading is for the current period of time. |
Session is provided in writing.
One of my most favourite readings (synchronizations) - "Diagnostics on Giving and Receiving in a Couple", on 7 levels of 7 chakras. It usually shows quite well what both partners feel and why,what they think and expect. This reading is a great addition towards a relationship reading or an advice, as well as "synchronization of choice".
"Potential of my relationship with ... " OR it can be worded as "What is the purpose of my relationship with ...?" Usually also shows the dynamics of development of a relationship in question.
Can only be done for the person who is asking. |
For any in-depth analysis of the relationship, factors that influence it and serious decision making, it is recommended to book a reading by time - a sessions of 30-minute or 1 hour. It can allow to
For a non-esoteric way of working with relationships MAC sessions or Art-therapy sessions are highly recommended (which also work with subconscious mind, only in a different way. Please read more information on the difference between SV and MACards).
For a non-esoteric way of working with relationships MAC sessions or Art-therapy sessions are highly recommended (which also work with subconscious mind, only in a different way. Please read more information on the difference between SV and MACards).
What energies will surround you on 7 levels during the next 2-5 weeks. This reading is very helpful in estimating the physical, emotional, energetic and other atmosphere to see what will be affecting general wellness, perception and decisions. Different people live through their "cycle" faster or slower, it depends on many factors, 3-4 weeks on average. It can be very interesting to keep a diary (monitor) the 7 bodies reading through time (during the year).
Can be provided as an audio record or in writing. |
"12 houses" is offered in writing only, can be done as a FORECAST or ADVICE (please mention your preference in the order form). Extended version includes:
- Tendencies, what to expect, what to keep in mind (forecast) / OR Advice for each of the 12 spheres of life; - General recommendation for 2018 (advice) - Forecast OR Advice for each month. Note: this forecast takes 1-3 weeks to prepare depending on the time schedule and workload of the consultant. Also are available these versions: Blitz version - brief general advice for the year or for 1 chosen sphere of life (7 disc reading - $45) |
All rates are in USD. Info on Payment >>