* Astrology Consultations *
Feel free to contact for any questions and you can also book a FREE DISCOVERY consultation where I help people to understand what type of consultation would be best for them.
You can read more information about astrology consulting & counselling on this website:
Locational Astrology:
You can read more information about astrology consulting & counselling on this website:
Locational Astrology:
in 2019-2024 I am currently conducting a few types of (informal) personal research:
1) Astrology of the Moment
2) Locational Astrology
3) Compatibility / Relationships Astrology / Family Patterns
4) Sleep, health
5) Injuries, surgery
If you would like to take part in any of these research projects, feel free to contact me through a chat (on taplink) or website form.
You will be sent a form to fill out with your birth data and details of events / states/ etc.
Data can only be submitted with a real name to avoid spam/ scam, however your name can be changed if your case is included in the research or any teaching events. Using research data requires your explicit permission.
Some research cases are submitted as a free entry. You might be asked a few follow up questions. Please note, that I do not offer a free consultation for all research participants, however you can take an astrology or psychological consultation on special research rates.
There will also be a raffle (draw) with a few prizes once 50+ participants took part in a specific research.
Some research is only possible as a paid consultation on special conditions.
With an in-depth analysis. Studying every natal astrology case (with or without timing charts) requires 2-5 hours of work, locational astrology 3-50 hours of work on average depending on the amount of geo places and methods used).
As a THANK YOU for taking part in the research you will receive 15-30% discount depending on the type of research and submission (e.i. you are combining your consultation with opting into a research, which has lots of benefits for both sides). As well as you can be put on the waiting list for a particular research updates, if any material is offered in open access / as public or offered specially for research participants.
To see special offer on locational astrology research consultations check this page (information is at the bottom of the page).
in 2019-2024 I am currently conducting a few types of (informal) personal research:
1) Astrology of the Moment
2) Locational Astrology
3) Compatibility / Relationships Astrology / Family Patterns
4) Sleep, health
5) Injuries, surgery
If you would like to take part in any of these research projects, feel free to contact me through a chat (on taplink) or website form.
You will be sent a form to fill out with your birth data and details of events / states/ etc.
Data can only be submitted with a real name to avoid spam/ scam, however your name can be changed if your case is included in the research or any teaching events. Using research data requires your explicit permission.
Some research cases are submitted as a free entry. You might be asked a few follow up questions. Please note, that I do not offer a free consultation for all research participants, however you can take an astrology or psychological consultation on special research rates.
There will also be a raffle (draw) with a few prizes once 50+ participants took part in a specific research.
Some research is only possible as a paid consultation on special conditions.
With an in-depth analysis. Studying every natal astrology case (with or without timing charts) requires 2-5 hours of work, locational astrology 3-50 hours of work on average depending on the amount of geo places and methods used).
As a THANK YOU for taking part in the research you will receive 15-30% discount depending on the type of research and submission (e.i. you are combining your consultation with opting into a research, which has lots of benefits for both sides). As well as you can be put on the waiting list for a particular research updates, if any material is offered in open access / as public or offered specially for research participants.
To see special offer on locational astrology research consultations check this page (information is at the bottom of the page).
Approach & Types of astrological sessions:
My approach to astrology is holistic, integrative, psychological approach, I do not follow any particular school of astrology, I combine a few techniques from Western Astrology, elements of Hellenistic astrology and other unique approaches, testing various techniques & methods in practice and taking what works the best.
For those who are into astrology and want to check compatibility - I have Virgo Moon (mid sign), Aquarius Sun (mid sign), and Virgo Ascendant (on the cusp of Libra). It is important for me to make sure that theory works in practice and there is good communication and my services help clients to understand how to make positive changes in their life.
I believe that there are talents, possible internal & external conflicts predefined by astrology (natal chart, timing influences, locational astrology influences), yet there is also free will (imo, 30-50%), so it IS POSSIBLE to find mitigations for complex natal / timing / locational positions and any life roadblocks.
Factors like person's (native's) proactivity, serendipity, luck also affect possible events, transformation and life changes. Therapy, counseling, life coaching, alternative healing also can be successfully used for mitigating astrological and numerological influences.
Usually each consultation has a certain main FOCUS.
When I started consulting with astrology in 2018 I was very ambitious and generous, and wanted to give as much as possible to each client, answering all their "burning" questions and even teaching them some astrology basics on the way. However in a few years I realized that such an approach can be very challenging for a few reasons:
1) the amount of hours spent was not reasonable considering the payment/ price of the service. I kept investing into astrology courses and at some point I realized that I have to change the system.
2) some of my clients also gave feedback that they felt inspired / encouraged by the consultation and also overwhelmed with all information. They did not rewatch the recording of the consultation right away (usually I recommend it), and after rewatching it in 1-3 years, they were shocked how everything was spot-on and reflected their life, as well as they said they wished they rewatched the consultation earlier and applied the tips, as it gave them a lot of insights.
3) Also some things just need time to be realized in life and at times for a client can be hard to process something that hasn't happened yet. e.g. I try not to give a lot of predictions yet many people are looking for that. Usually I point out what & when might be challenging and what cn possibly help it / be a good alternative option. In this case I highly recommend also taking 1-5 life coaching or counseling session(s) with MACards whether before or after astrology consultation.
This can help to process and integrate some things faster as well as find insights from the subconscious mind in decision-making, emotional balance, life balance or any other self-development.
4) If you are new to astrology and do not know your natal chart very well, I highly recommend to start with a general NATAL CONSULTATION, where we will go over the key features of your chart, to help you understand your talents and hidden gems, possible patterns, karmic tasks. You can also choose to focus on specific parts of the chart, e.g. The BIG THREE (SUN, MOON, Ascendant)
Understanding your potential, internal and interpersonal dynamics of the chart, your calling, challenges and mitigations can help you fulfill your potential and apply energy and actions in the best possible way.
Approach & Types of astrological sessions:
My approach to astrology is holistic, integrative, psychological approach, I do not follow any particular school of astrology, I combine a few techniques from Western Astrology, elements of Hellenistic astrology and other unique approaches, testing various techniques & methods in practice and taking what works the best.
For those who are into astrology and want to check compatibility - I have Virgo Moon (mid sign), Aquarius Sun (mid sign), and Virgo Ascendant (on the cusp of Libra). It is important for me to make sure that theory works in practice and there is good communication and my services help clients to understand how to make positive changes in their life.
I believe that there are talents, possible internal & external conflicts predefined by astrology (natal chart, timing influences, locational astrology influences), yet there is also free will (imo, 30-50%), so it IS POSSIBLE to find mitigations for complex natal / timing / locational positions and any life roadblocks.
Factors like person's (native's) proactivity, serendipity, luck also affect possible events, transformation and life changes. Therapy, counseling, life coaching, alternative healing also can be successfully used for mitigating astrological and numerological influences.
Usually each consultation has a certain main FOCUS.
When I started consulting with astrology in 2018 I was very ambitious and generous, and wanted to give as much as possible to each client, answering all their "burning" questions and even teaching them some astrology basics on the way. However in a few years I realized that such an approach can be very challenging for a few reasons:
1) the amount of hours spent was not reasonable considering the payment/ price of the service. I kept investing into astrology courses and at some point I realized that I have to change the system.
2) some of my clients also gave feedback that they felt inspired / encouraged by the consultation and also overwhelmed with all information. They did not rewatch the recording of the consultation right away (usually I recommend it), and after rewatching it in 1-3 years, they were shocked how everything was spot-on and reflected their life, as well as they said they wished they rewatched the consultation earlier and applied the tips, as it gave them a lot of insights.
3) Also some things just need time to be realized in life and at times for a client can be hard to process something that hasn't happened yet. e.g. I try not to give a lot of predictions yet many people are looking for that. Usually I point out what & when might be challenging and what cn possibly help it / be a good alternative option. In this case I highly recommend also taking 1-5 life coaching or counseling session(s) with MACards whether before or after astrology consultation.
This can help to process and integrate some things faster as well as find insights from the subconscious mind in decision-making, emotional balance, life balance or any other self-development.
4) If you are new to astrology and do not know your natal chart very well, I highly recommend to start with a general NATAL CONSULTATION, where we will go over the key features of your chart, to help you understand your talents and hidden gems, possible patterns, karmic tasks. You can also choose to focus on specific parts of the chart, e.g. The BIG THREE (SUN, MOON, Ascendant)
Understanding your potential, internal and interpersonal dynamics of the chart, your calling, challenges and mitigations can help you fulfill your potential and apply energy and actions in the best possible way.
Format of the sessions:
There are different types of astrology consultations depending on the method/ focus.
More information: www.DancewithPlanets.com
- Interactive Consulting (30/60/90min) - this type is best for Q&A sessions (usually natal, transits, progressions)
- Interactive Consulting with Tutoring (30/60/90min) - a fun useful way to learning astrology through learning your own chart or chart of your significant other / child / parent – natal, timing or chart of a moment from the present, past or future
- Consultation in a recording (30/60/90min) - video (charts + commentary) or audio
- Astrological Coaching (30/60min) - (a great choice for setting goals, steps for achieving something, making a choice, understanding what prevents from achieving something, and for being more proactive after the session with a clear plan)
- Astrological Counselling (60-75min) - Metaphorical Associative Cards ( MACards ) are added usually, works well e.g. for making a choice, understanding subconscious patterns, finding solutions, a resourceful state. It requires at min 20-30min per question – best format is 30minute astrology consultation + 1 main request or a series of shorter sessions with 1 Qn /topic per session
- Astrology & Therapy (60-90min) - in this session I use astrology and initial discussion and request of the client as a kind of “door” to healing. You will find some possible ways to deal with a challenging situation or traumatic experience. Methods I use are Emotion-Image Therapy, MACards Counselling, Art Therapy. You will explore archetypal energies and with my help find a way how to activate and use them more consciously and possibly find remediations for complex influences and patterns.
There are different types of astrology consultations depending on the method/ focus.
More information: www.DancewithPlanets.com
For any general questions on astrology sessions prior to your order, you can fill out CONTACT FORM. I usually reply within 2-5 days, unless on vacation or a special project.
To leave feedback after your sessions, you are welcome to fill out this SURVEY.
To leave feedback after your sessions, you are welcome to fill out this SURVEY.