* Vectors of Realization *
The system Vectors of Realization was developed by the creators of SyncroVISION™ inspired by another Russian esoteric practitioner. SyncroVI the diagnostic and forecasting system inspired by the multi-century knowledge and wisdom of Tarot and Astrology. According to this system, each person has 3 main vectors of realization, which can be defined through a one-time session in person or by skype and they represent 3 major energies important in the life of a person. They are like 3 dominant notes, 3 essential colors defining his /her personality and once synchronized together in a good way they allow to share these 3 unique gifts with people in work and personal life.
Packages with Vectors of Realization session are available and can be great for a deeper understanding how to integrate energies of the vectors between each other and into your life on various levels.
Discover your Vectors of Realization session + Packages >>
"Finding out my vectors of realization was one of the most important insights of my life. All of them sounded very familiar, however especially one of them opened up my eyes to certain life events and my character. I understood that I should have used some of them differently in critical situations, and now once I know my vectors, everything makes so much more sense to me in terms of relating to people and understanding myself. Truly, as it was explained to me a good way, Vectors of Realization are like a unique chord in music, and they sound differently in a particular person. Knowing my vectors helped me to confirm that I am on the right track in changing, adjusting my career line and understand where to move." |
Many people find that knowing Vectors of Realization is essential and helps to:
- understand yourself better
- take a new deeper look at connecting with other people and the world
- define personal talents and challenges
- choose (adjust) your life path
- finding your line, occupation
- accept and transform your "shadow" side
- & get other personal insights.